What Instagram Ads?

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications

What Instagram Ads?

InstagramAds_BlogImageThe first ads hit Instagram this winter. Did you notice? Hopefully not.

There’s a lot of buzz surrounding how brands should use Instagram ads and if “favorites” or “followers” actually translates into dollars. I think I have déjà vu…Do you remember when people asked if “likes” or “retweets” meant anything? Then people started to realize that brand loyalty and customer engagement across social platforms measured up to business expectations. In my opinion, especially on Instagram, the answer is yes…”favorites” and “followers” mean that a consumer is interested. Instagram offers brands a very unique opportunity – the challenge to be thought provoking, genuine and strategic with the end goal of followers seeking them out in the marketplace (after they see the photo/video featuring the brand). (more…)

Designing Effective Packaging

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications

Designing Effective Packaging

PackagingBlog_ImageThere aren’t any set guidelines when it comes to creating effective packaging, but there are some things to consider before you get started. After you have considered the type of packaging you are using and have chosen to use suppliers like Impacked (Impacked has a huge range of wholesale jars and more) who have recyclable packaging too, then you can move on to the designing stage using these top tips. (more…)
