Geile/Leon Marketing Communications

Finding Creativity: My Summer as a G/L Intern

Since I first decided I wanted to work in video production, finding my creative voice has been a journey. I’ve worked on many projects and created a lot of different content that has pushed my ideas in varying directions, but never have I worked in such a place as this where I was surrounded by such incredible creativity that helped me find that voice.

As a student, you quickly come to realize that while you may learn a lot in your classes, there is nothing better than real-world experience. In previous years, I had worked jobs and internships at places on Mizzou’s campus doing video and other creative work. But while I did that, I was watching many of my classmates go off around the country to find internships in the industry outside of the university. This is what I wanted for myself. I loved creating work on campus, but I wanted something bigger. Thus began a series of emails with Tim Leon.

I spent about two-and-a-half months at Geile /Leon getting to do exactly what I love – creating video content. But I’ve done this at other jobs before, so why was this one so different? For starters, this internship was tailored specifically to my skillset. Not only did I get to use my creativity every day to create content, but I also was involved in the planning and design of the new G/L Video Content Studios, which was an opportunity of a lifetime
for any college student.

Another reason G/L is different was that they trusted me with real tasks and responsibilities, and none of those had anything to do with getting coffee. They asked me to work on actual client work with real deadlines and real rounds of feedback. I got to participate on calls with clients and had questions directed to me in meetings. Making a video just to release it doesn’t cut it here, so every detail and every decision matters in making the very best work that you possibly can for the client.

At G/L I was pushed not just to create content, but to create my best content. As if that weren’t enough, what’s most important to me is the creative growth I experienced during this internship. In a short time, my skills grew immensely, and my understanding of making good content opened up to a whole new realm of ideas and possibilities. The creative team here shared their ideas and talents with me daily and overall it made me into a more experienced videographer. If nothing else, my time spent here was invaluable and included lessons I could have never learned whilst sitting in a classroom.

G/L Video Content Studios video