The Lake and Stars Campaign Takes Things Too Far…

Tim Leon
President/Brand Strategist

The Lake and Stars Campaign Takes Things Too Far…

Call me a prude, but I’m really disgusted by the Lake And Stars lingerie ad campaign featuring a mom and daughter in sexually provocative poses…together!

The Lake and Stars Fall/winter lingerie campaign broke this Fall and is getting some negative press, for good reason. Obviously appealing to a younger audience, it saddens me that they have stooped to a new low and demeaned  the mother-daughter relationship by putting them in these sexually provocative photos. I love the quote from the owner of Lake and Stars, Maayan Zilberman, as it relates to the negative feedback they are receiving from the campaign, “We’re surprised that people are reacting with such violently negative connotations such as incest, given that we were only making light of a healthy, beautiful relationship between two women…” Here’s a news flash Ms. Zilberman, it’s not just two women—it is a mother and her daughter. Do the right thing here and listen to consumers. Pull the ads and admit you went over the line. (more…)

Promising News on the Ad Industry Front for 2012

Tim Leon
President/Brand Strategist

Promising News on the Ad Industry Front for 2012

This week is the 8th Annual Advertising Week in New York City, the world’s premier annual gathering of marketing and communication gurus and thought-leaders. This year’s conference is making the news, despite the crappy economy and economic outlook. On day one, there was a panel discussion that shed a very positive light on our industry and the outlook over the next couple of years.

Tim Jones, chief executive of ZenithOptimedia, part of Publicis Groupe, was quoted as saying, “While the aftershocks keep coming, worldwide advertising spending will grow this year compared with last year, next year compared with this year, and 2013 compared with 2012.”

Mr. Jones mentions the primary reason for growth next year comes from the “quadrennial effect” that our industry will experience —media reaping the benefit of selling commercial air time and ad space for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games and the 2012 elections in the United States. It’s the perfect storm for media spending to increase next year.

There were some caveats to Mr. Jones speech, like the somewhat anemic growth of the U.S. economy and the power of consumer sentiment. He warned, “If we’re not in a recession, we may talk ourselves back into one.”

I, for one, am not going to be part of the negative thinking. It’s time for optimism and confidence. Here’s to a resurgence of ad spending and consumer confidence in 2012!

Want to Write and Publish a Book?

Tim Leon
President/Brand Strategist

Want to Write and Publish a Book?

My neighbor and friend, Janet, is a phenomenal writer. She always wanted to publish a book, but finding a publishing company and the expenses associated with publishing got in the way….until now. I just got an email from Janet directing me to a site called CreateSpace—a self publishing site that allows aspiring authors to launch their literary works. There is no inventory to worry about; books are printed on demand and shipped. As far as distribution, there’s the opportunity to have your book distributed through and eStore channels. This is a collaborative model allowing authors to get advice on cover design and marketing. Pretty cool! And by the way, Janet’s book, Shake the Middle Tree, is a great read and now available to the world!  Happy reading, and start working on that best-seller you’ve always wanted to write.

G/L Celebrity Look-A-Likes

Tim Leon
President/Brand Strategist

G/L Celebrity Look-A-Likes

Hey everyone:

If you’ve been to a St. Louis Blues game, you’ve seen the segment on the JumboTron where they take random photos of fans in the audience and show them next to a celebrity they most resemble. It’s a hoot! And believe it or not, our friends at Facebook have an app called Facedouble Twin–where you can put in your photo or someone elses photo, and it will source the celebrity you most resemble right next to yours. I thought it would be fun to pick Geile/Leon ad agency employees and do their celebrity look a like. Just for the heck of it, I also included the celebrity that I most resemble.

I plan to do this on occasion with other employees here….and maybe some of our clients (that have a sense of humor), Enjoy!

People always said I looked like Brad Pitt. The resemblance is uncanny.



