The Value of Public Relations: Why Now is the Time to Plan for 2025

Terri Waters
Director of Public Relations

The Value of Public Relations: Why Now is the Time to Plan for 2025

PR Planning for 2025: Get a head start now

About 68% of journalists rely on PR professionals for original research, trends, and market data, according to the media monitoring and research firm Muck Rack. This is a remarkable figure and illustrates that the vast opportunities a PR program can bring to further your brand’s exposure to target audiences.

As we enter the final quarter of the year, it’s the perfect time to think about your marketing and public relations (PR) strategy for 2025. A strong PR plan can build brand awareness, increase trust, and position your company as a leader in your industry. While advertising has its place, PR offers a unique way to connect with your audience through stories, news, and media coverage that feel organic and authentic.

If you want 2025 to be a year of growth and visibility, now is the time to start planning your PR strategy. Let’s explore the value of PR and what steps you can take to get ready.

Why Public Relations Matters

Public relations is about more than just press releases or news articles. It’s about building relationships with your audience, media, and stakeholders. A well-executed PR campaign can:

  • Build Credibility: PR creates third-party validation by getting your brand featured in trusted media outlets.
  • Increase Visibility: Media coverage amplifies your message and reaches a larger, more diverse audience.
  • Manage Reputation: PR helps shape the narrative around your brand and positions you to respond well to challenges or crises.
  • Establish Authority: When your company is seen in news outlets or as a thought leader, it reinforces your industry expertise.
  • Boost SEO: Articles and mentions from reputable websites can improve your search engine ranking, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

With so many benefits, PR should be a key component of your overall marketing strategy. But to make it work, you need a solid plan.

Steps to Start Planning Your 2025 PR Strategy

Here’s a list of things you can do now to prepare for a successful PR year:

  1. Review Past PR Efforts
    Look at what worked and what didn’t in 2024. Did you get the media coverage you wanted? Were your press releases and stories effective? Use these insights to inform your new plan.
  2. Set Clear Goals
    What do you want PR to achieve in 2025? Are you looking to boost brand awareness, launch a new product, or improve your company’s reputation? Setting measurable goals will guide your PR efforts.
  3. Identify Key Audiences
    Who are you trying to reach? Define your target audiences, such as customers, industry leaders, or the media, so you can tailor your messaging and strategy.
  4. Create a PR Calendar
    Map out key events, product launches, or seasonal trends that can serve as opportunities for publicity. Having a calendar ensures you’re prepared to execute your PR campaigns at the right time.
  5. Build Relationships with Journalists and Influencers
    Start connecting with media professionals and industry influencers. Building these relationships takes time, so begin now to establish trust before pitching your stories.
  6. Develop Story Angles
    Identify what makes your company unique. What stories can you tell that will resonate with your target audience and the media? Think about what makes your brand newsworthy.
  7. Prepare Your Materials
    Make sure you have a strong media kit, updated press releases, and high-quality images ready to go. The more prepared you are, the smoother your PR efforts will be.
  8. Evaluate Budget and Resources
    Determine how much you’re willing to invest in PR, including tools, team members, and agency partnerships. Make sure you have the resources to execute your plan.

Ready to Plan Your 2025 PR Strategy?

A well-thought-out PR strategy can make all the difference in how your brand is perceived in 2025.

If you think PR is an option to present to your executive leadership, we’re happy to outline some ideas for you. Just a casual conversation to help guide you as you consider what a PR program could look like and how it can support your marketing.

Reach out to Terri Waters ([email protected])!

Why Home Service Providers Need to Build a Strong Brand Reputation

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications

Why Home Service Providers Need to Build a Strong Brand Reputation

For home service providers, a strong brand reputation is crucial to success. After all, the industry is built on trust. Before customers agree to allow your technicians into their homes, they need to feel comfortable that your company is reputable and that your employees are trustworthy. How you brand yourself contributes to your reputation and can help attract new customers, retain loyal clients, and differentiate your business from competitors.

A Brand is More Than Just a Logo

A brand is more than a logo or truck signage. It’s a set of perceptions in the minds of your potential customers. And this perception is very important. A recent Marketing Charts report points out that trust is an important consideration when making a purchase. For example, of customers that are in the typical age range for purchasing home services (35-54 years old), 76 percent of respondents say trust is the third-most important consideration for selecting a provider, slightly trailing “good value for the money” and “best quality.”

A Few Reasons Why You Might Need a Brand Refresh

Here are 11 indicators that your company’s brand might be becoming irrelevant and why you should consider a brand refresh:

  1. Declining Customer Engagement
    Have you noticed a drop in social media interaction, email open rates, or website traffic? This might indicate that your brand is no longer resonating with your audience.
  2. Stagnant Sales or Growth
    A plateau in sales or market share, despite efforts to boost them, may signal that your brand doesn’t meet the needs of today’s consumers.
  3. Outdated Visuals or Messaging
    Do your marketing materials feel dated? Customers may perceive your company as behind the times.
  4. New Competitors Are Overtaking You
    Are new competitors entering the market and quickly attracting attention? Your brand may not be as strong or distinctive.
  5. Your Audience Has Changed
    If your customer base has shifted—whether in age, demographics, or needs—your brand might need to evolve to remain dynamic.
  6. Lack of Internal Enthusiasm
    Have employees lost their passion? This could indicate a disconnect and employees not believing as strongly in the brand.
  7. Inconsistent Brand Experience
    If your brand looks different across various platforms—whether online, in-store, or in marketing materials—it may be time for a refresh to deliver consistency in messaging and graphics.
  8. Negative or Neutral Brand Perception
    Does your brand still evoke strong customer loyalty? If not, it’s a sign that it’s losing relevance.
  9. Your Market Has Shifted
    Has the brand kept pace with market conditions, competitive threats, or popular trends? A brand refresh can help reposition your company to fit within the new landscape.
  10. Product or Service Expansion
    Have you added service offerings to address the changing needs of the market? If the brand doesn’t adapt and evolve, it will get left behind.
  11. Acquisition or Mergers
    Are you planning to purchase, merge with, or sell a company? A strong and relevant brand adds value to the deal.

Shape Your Brand in the Minds of Your Customers

Your brand exists in your customers’ minds and is shaped by their experiences. While you can’t control their opinions, you can guide them by consistently defining and demonstrating your brand’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Aligning your messaging and actions with your values creates trust and builds a recognizable identity. This turns your brand into a promise customers rely on, setting you apart from competitors. Here’s a pertinent article in Forbes about Brand ROI.

Refresh or Rebrand?

Staying relevant is crucial in today’s market. If your brand feels outdated, a full rebrand may not be needed. A brand refresh allows you to make subtle updates, preserving your identity while modernizing to match trends and customer needs. This approach keeps your audience connection intact while boosting relevance. More on Brand Refresh here.

Why a Brand Refresh Matters

A brand refresh keeps your business relevant, modern, and aligned with evolving customer needs. Rather than a full rebranding, a refresh lets you maintain the core essence of your identity while refining the elements that no longer work. This targeted approach can strengthen your market position and sustain long-term growth.

Is Your Brand Where It Needs to Be? Let’s Talk!

Worried your brand isn’t resonating as it should? We’re offering a no-charge consultation to explore your brand’s strengths and challenges. It’s a relaxed discussion—no sales pitch! We love talking about branding and will share our honest thoughts. From there, you can decide if we’re the right fit for your needs. And if we are, together we can outline a strategy to take your brand to the next level. Give Tim Leon, our brand strategist a call at 314-727-5850, x117 or send an email to: [email protected].
