Federal Railroad Administration Conference

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications

Federal Railroad Administration Conference

Last week, Geile/Leon President Tim Leon attended the Federal Railroad Administration’s Grade Crossing Research Needs Workshop held in downtown St. Louis. The workshop focused on issues regarding rail safety, including engineering and technology, enforcement, community outreach and education, hazard management, and human factors. The workshop brought together state, federal, and international experts to prioritize specific research needs related to grade crossing safety.Crossing incidents are the second leading cause of rail-related deaths in the United States, which is why rail safety awareness and education are so important to the safety of our communities. Tim helped brainstorm the expanding role digital media can play in community outreach and education surrounding railroad safety. It was a very productive session attended by thought leaders from all facets of the industry.

Tom Lange, our Union Pacific client, was a guest speaker at the workshop. Tom discussed the innovative methods Union Pacific Railroad has implemented to successfully reach targeted audiences with its rail safety message. One of these initiatives included “Your Life is Worth the Wait”, a fully-integrated digital marketing campaign featuring impactful creative that G/L was thrilled to help Union Pacific create. See some of the work below:



Digital Marketing Strategy Approach

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications

Digital Marketing Strategy Approach

Hi everyone. I’m Robert Mews, Digital Marketing Strategist here at Geile/Leon. I recently moved from Minneapolis where there are two seasons: winter and construction season. I’m excited to be here and to help clients create stellar business results through the use of digital media.

There are a lot of exciting things to try with digital marketing, but remember to keep it simple and not just gravitate towards shiny things. Marketing rules still apply to digital marketing, ask any digital marketing agency. Remember the purchase funnel (see diagram)? Yes, it still applies to digital marketing, believes it or not. You have customers who haven’t heard of you, and you have customers who have heard of you, but still need a little more push.

digital marketing funnel

There is a plethora of digital tactics that move people through the funnel from the kind that many seo nz experts use to target specific niches to more general options, but I still see people who put all their eggs in one basket-thinking it’s going to be a game switcher. I see people invest all their digital dollars in Facebook fan pages. It can be really hard to see results when every business has one, and the difference-maker is how you engage an audience with quality content. Ninety percent of businesses will fail at Facebook.

On the other hand, I see a ton of businesses invest all of their digital dollars in paid search. Yet, paid search only accounts for 10% of all clicks registered on search queries. And when you think of the purchase funnel, paid search is a tactic that helps move people from consideration to engaging. Remember the behavior of a search query-the consumer is already likely aware (hence the need to search for something). That’s not to say paid search won’t help build awareness. But, it works best when you have the mindset that people are already somewhat aware.

The best approach with digital marketing is to understand the purchase funnel and how to spread your digital dollars effectively to move people across the funnel. Putting all the dollars in one area will result in some imminent results, but you’ll quickly realize that it’s short term.

I welcome your comments.
