
the blog

We have a lot to say.

Admittedly, some of it probably shouldn’t be said in public, so we’ll keep it to the stuff that matters. Don’t expect us to only spew words or facts. We’ll tell you what we think, and more importantly, why it should matter to you.

Trade Show PR: Old School Guerilla Tactics Producing Great Results

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Industry trade shows—the “coming out” party where manufacturers put on their Sunday Best to show off their latest and greatest—are fantastic opportunities for companies to spend time in the spotlight. And most of them put their efforts into drawing potential customers to their show booth. Nothing wrong with that. But there’s another group of folks […]

Social Media Forecast: 5 Predictions for 2012

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Just as businesses thought they had a handle on social media, the landscape continued to shift in 2011. Google+ was introduced, Facebook updated its functionality (once again), Twitter continued to grow as a promotion vehicle for brands, YouTube updated its image and a new player, Pinterest, joined the game.

2012 Quadrennial Effect = The perfect storm of marketing + media buying

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
The buzz this past December was all about the Quadrennial Effect of 2012. If you just said to yourself “Quad-a-what?” please proceed. The “Quadrennial Effect” references the perfect storm of events that occurs every four years: the Summer Olympic Games, the European Football Championship and the United States presidential and Congressional elections. Why is this […]

What Website Platform is Best for You?

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
So you’ve landed on the perfect design for your new website. You’re talking about development, launch dates, SEO, and now someone brings up the question, “How are we going to manage and update all of this once it’s up?” Choosing a content management system (CMS) can be a confusing process. With so many options out […]

The Nancy Factor

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
It’s funny how a simple hello can say so much. If you’ve visited Geile/Leon in the last 16 years, you are familiar with the cheery hallmark of Nancy Nava. “I am such a morning person,” she says with a smile, but her sunny disposition is contagious and unwavering all day, everyday. G/L credits Nancy as […]

ROI of Employee Wellness: It’s a New Year and time to slim down that waste line

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
January 1st is the go-date on health resolutions across America, but have you considered the benefits of improving your employees’ health? What is the ROI of employee wellness for your business? Well, according to Forbes writer, Tony Zook, “It should come as no surprise that healthy employees boost a company’s bottom line. They experience less […]

Employee Communications: How internal marketing makes external impacts

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
  I can’t tell you how many clients have told me that what differentiates them from their competitors is the quality of their people, their processes and their technologies. So it would follow that one of their most important functions would be employee communications, especially to ensure that their people are representing the brand as […]

So, You Think Direct Mail Is Dead…Well You’re Dead Wrong.

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Guest Author & G/L partner: Maurice Parisien, Digital Intersection According to DMA 2011 Statistical Fact Book, a catalog lead costs $47.61, while email comes in at $53.85 per lead, and, what’s more, the response rate to direct mail has consistently been three times higher than email. Still not convinced direct mail is alive and kicking? […]

Advertising in a Down Economy May Be Smarter Than you Think.

Ben Edmonson
At some point during a recession, every business’s advertising budget or marketing plan has had a setback—budgets cut, projects cancelled, creative direction changed, whatever. Sadly, usually the first thing to get cut during economic hardship is the advertising budget. The good news? There is a ton of factual info and insight to back up the […]

Penn State: Smart PR and Stupid PR

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
  While this whole, sordid, Penn State scandal continues to unfold, it occurred to me that just within this one situation, we’ve already seen two examples of how public relations is being used. One example illustrates how public relations should be used—as an invaluable communications tool during times of crisis. The other example illustrates a […]