
the blog

We have a lot to say.

Admittedly, some of it probably shouldn’t be said in public, so we’ll keep it to the stuff that matters. Don’t expect us to only spew words or facts. We’ll tell you what we think, and more importantly, why it should matter to you.

How to write a blog that someone will actually read

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
It’s common knowledge that the blogging craze has spread like Bieber Fever across the world wide web. You can find blogs on literally every subject known to mankind. You can even find blogs on writing blogs -this particular post, for instance. But what is the secret to getting people, your target audience in particular, to […]

G/L Client Puts Money in “The Closet” For Worthy Cause

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Geile/Leon, a St. Louis PR company , is happy to announce that one of our clients, Heartland Bank, has donated $2,500 to the National Council of Jewish Women’s Kids Community Closet program. The program delivers new clothing to children in crisis or emergency situations, right to their school. Closets are in place within several St. Louis City and […]

Branson Convention Center “Tending Big Flocks”

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Geile/Leon, a St. Louis Public Relations agency , is pleased to announce a terrific media placement for one of our clients, the Branson Convention Center. A very nice piece in the new Small Market Meetings magazine, on the religious meetings market, and how the Branson Convention Center is gaining a solid reputation as a leader in this space.