
the blog

We have a lot to say.

Admittedly, some of it probably shouldn’t be said in public, so we’ll keep it to the stuff that matters. Don’t expect us to only spew words or facts. We’ll tell you what we think, and more importantly, why it should matter to you.

The Power of Giving Back

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
An aggressive afternoon of brainstorming and creative development at G/L resulted in new marketing materials and messaging for Children's Home Society of Missouri.

The Mary Culver Home for the Visually Impaired

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
The Mary Culver Home for the Visually Impaired is a not-for-profit, non-denominational Christian organization in St. Louis serving elderly women with blindness.

Children’s Home Society of Missouri

Tim Leon
Children's Home Society of Missouri is resource for families of children with developmental disabilities offering counseling, education, respite care and more.

St. Louis PrideFest

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
PrideFest is coming to downtown St. Louis on June 28th - 29th to celebrate its 34th year in the city.

ALIVE St. Louis

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
ALIVE (Alternative to Living in Violent Environments) is a St. Louis-based organization offering counseling, emergency sanctuary and other critical services to adults and children affected by domestic violence.

Got big data? Now what?

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Collecting big data isn’t necessarily the challenge. How can we apply insight to the visitor data in order to tailor content and create conversions? Here are just a few tips to get you organized.

Animal House Fund Cat Shelter

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Animal House Fund is an independent, nonprofit, stray cat rescue organization in St. Louis that opened in August of 2010. At any one time, up to 250 cats are being cared for. See how you can make a difference.

13,728 Pounds for the St. Louis Area Foodbank

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
The St. Louis Area Foodbank distributes more than 25 million pounds of food annually to 500+ partner agencies in the St. Louis Metro.

Content Marketing? What Content?

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Everyone should see the importance of providing “solution oriented” content. We have to think about problems from the customer’s perspective.

Trade Shows: Hard On the Feet, Good for Business

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Sixty-nine percent of contractors recently surveyed said they learn about new products at trends by attending trade shows. A few months ago, Geile/Leon conducted this survey among home improvement/remodeling professionals, the results of which were published in our white paper, A Special Report For Home Improvement Product Manufacturers: The Big Payoff Awaits Those Who Invest […]