the blog
We have a lot to say.
Admittedly, some of it probably shouldn’t be said in public, so we’ll keep it to the stuff that matters. Don’t expect us to only spew words or facts. We’ll tell you what we think, and more importantly, why it should matter to you.
Trending from G/L: Building a soccer brand from scratch with LAFC
Los Angeles Football Club is attempting to build a rapport with millennial fans well before a soccer ball is even kicked.
Trending from G/L: New Color Insights…by listening?
Technology is changing people’s lives and becoming apart of them—literally in this colorful case.
Trending from G/L: Does Lily make high tech camera technology accessible?
We asked our team what would be the first thing they would do with awesome camera technology like Lily.
One Size Fits All Doesn’t Work For Millennials – Or Any Segment
So, as we say to all of our clients, whether they are marketing to millennials or any other demographic, you have to understand the “why” and “how” of the audience.
Trending from G/L: Will You Be My Emoji Marketing Brand Bae?
The biggest issue with emoji marketing is how they’re used. If you’re a consumer-facing brand with a younger digitally savvy audience, then it might make sense.
Trending from G/L: The Future of YouTube Advertising
Major consumer brands are jumping on-board and gradually perfecting the art of storytelling through these new, unique video formats.
Trending from G/L: Free Lynda education in St. Louis
The St. Louis County Library recently announced that cardholders would have access to Lynda, an online education resource for business and creative skills as well as software.
Trending from G/L: Are Craft Sodas about to pop?
At the end of the day, the soda giants are attempting to broadcast the same message: Soda is still a sensible consumable.
Trending from G/L: Are Facebook’s Office Perks the Height of Company Culture?
Not every company out there can afford Facebook-esque luxuries for their employees, but there are small things that can build culture.
7 Examples of Horrible Marketing Advice
There's some horrible marketing advice out there. We're here to debunk some of those myths.