
the blog

We have a lot to say.

Admittedly, some of it probably shouldn’t be said in public, so we’ll keep it to the stuff that matters. Don’t expect us to only spew words or facts. We’ll tell you what we think, and more importantly, why it should matter to you.

Trending from G/L: Making Your Marketing Memorable

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
When it comes to advertising, the most important metric is “memorable.” Not memorable like the family trip to the Grand Canyon, but memorable like something that your target audience will simply know. Memorable is what keeps us singing a silly jingle from 20 years ago. Memorable is what makes the difference between marketing and communicating. […]

Trending from G/L: The Changing Workforce and Making Good College Decisions

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
There’s a great future in plastics. Think about it. Will you think about it? / The Graduate While pursuing a bachelor’s degree and an executive position at a corporation is still a good option for many high school students, some may want to think their route to employment a little differently. NPR recently ran a story […]

Trending from G/L: How the #NeverAgain Movement is Working Like an Agency

Meg Strange
Over the past year and a half, buzz words in media and marketing have revolved around one thing: “social.” Social media, social commentary, social movements… we like to talk about things. And given the number of momentous events that have transpired over that period of time – the good, the bad, the beautiful and the […]

Top-5 Focus Points For Marketing Higher Education To Generation ‘Z’

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Now that the Gen Z generation is coming of age, let’s take look at some interesting facts that could help you better attract them to your campus. 1 – They Are Confused! 45% of Gen-Zers find the process of deciding where to go to college confusing, according to a recent Ologie study. What makes this […]

Industry Spotlight: Equine Web Design

Randy Micheletti
As a brand, it’s more important than ever to stand out. One way to do that is through your equine web design. It’s vital that equine brands keep up with technology to converse with their consumers

Trending from G/L: Engagement is key to Instagram’s new algorithm

Melissa Ross
Back in March of 2016, the world flipped upside down when Instagram put an algorithm in place to change how our content was delivered to us. Previously, posts were shown in chronological order, but with the new algorithm, content became prioritized based on the likelihood that you would engage with it. Since then, Instagram has […]

Trending from G/L: “Black Mirror” Episode Comes To Life

Ben Schwab
Fans of the popular Netflix series “Back Mirror” are no strangers to its delightfully dark, prescient perspective on the human condition, our cultural relationship with technology, and how those things will often come to odds with one another. One episode in particular, Nosedive, imagines a world where people can rate each other from one to […]

Trending from G/L: Marketing to Millennials

Meg Strange
About a month ago, I turned 30. We Millennials like to think that we age about 1.6 times faster than other generations, so 30 is actually about 50 in Millennial years. As soon as I neared the dreaded 3-0, I was inundated with messages reminding me that I’m getting old. I mean it. Facebook trolled […]

Trending from G/L: Our St. Louis Favorites

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Ask anyone from St. Louis where they went to high school, and they’ll have much to say about their alma mater, along with the ramblings of people they potentially knew at your school. Now ask them where to grab the best pizza (it’s undoubtedly in our neck of the woods) or which museum could keep […]

Trending from G/L: Do You Suffer From PAR-ENT-ING?

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Are you suffering from PAR-ENT-ING? YouTube content creators from the channel The Dad, delivered a hilarious dose of parenting reality with their satirical video entitled, “Do You Suffer From PAR-ENT-ING?” The video pokes fun at cliché and contrived pharmaceutical industry ads, exaggerating parenting as a disorder that “affects 10 out of 10 parents” and often results […]