the blog
We have a lot to say.
Admittedly, some of it probably shouldn’t be said in public, so we’ll keep it to the stuff that matters. Don’t expect us to only spew words or facts. We’ll tell you what we think, and more importantly, why it should matter to you.
30 Years, Countless Beers: How we’re making our anniversary mean something
Every day, Geile/Leon strives to “Make It Mean Something.” No matter the client, the product or the medium, making it mean something is about telling a story and giving an audience a reason to care. In 2019, our business turns 30 years old. As we look back on our story to date, we find it […]
Building Buyer Personas for Rural Lifestyle
In marketing, what you’re communicating is just as important as defining who you’re communicating with. But most target audiences only manage to scratch the surface. For example, targeting men ages 25-65, with children at home and a household income of $100,000 is a good start, but have we really painted a picture of their everyday […]
Finding Your Happy Place in Rural Areas
I came across an interesting Washington Post blog ( on some research published a little while back by the Vancouver School of Economics and McGill University concerning the geography of well-being in Canada. With over 400,000 responses from 1,200 communities across Canada, the study truly covered the country’s entire geography. Their chief finding centered on […]
Trending from G/L: Payless Becomes ‘Palessi’ For New Awareness Campaign
“Real people, not actors.” It’s a disclaimer you have seen before. Maybe you recall Chevrolet’s “Real People, Not Actors” campaign that kicked off in 2016, or the parody follow-up ad by Progressive titled “Real Actors, Not People.” Now, adding to the trend of ‘tricking people into saying great things about your brand’ is the Payless […]
Trending from G/L: Brands Taking a Stance
In overwhelming numbers, today’s top brands are beginning to take stances on certain issues and stepping up on a soap box to make those positions known. In recent years, we’ve seen many businesses take positions on social and even some political issues. The conventional thought has long been that doing so runs the risk of […]
Trending from G/L: Debating Like A True Marketer
These days it seems like there is a debate about something new EVERY DAY. Some of the topics can be a little, well, trivial in the grand scheme of things, but nonetheless are discussed in fervor on social media. Are women’s pockets inferior to men’s? Yes, yes they are. Is St. Louis the microbrew capital […]
How User-Generated Content Is A Necessity For Brand Awareness
If you’ve ever seen the movie The Truman Show with Jim Carrey, you probably remember laughing at the various “product placement” scenes. The premise of The Truman Show, for those who haven’t seen it, is that Jim Carrey is unknowingly the star of a reality TV show – his entire life is broadcast by hidden […]
Trending from G/L: Marketers Moving Away From Saturday Morning Cartoon Ads
Who can forget Saturday mornings as a kid? Getting up early (sometimes before mom and dad), rushing into the kitchen, making a bowl of the most sugary cereal in the pantry, and heading to the living room to turn on the television. This was what most of us lived for as kids – Saturday morning […]
The Industry For Me – My Summer As A G/L Intern
Thinking about Geile/Leon, there’s one word that keeps coming back into my head over and over again: genuine. When I first stepped into the G/L office located in The Hill, I was a nervous graphic design major looking for a summer internship. I glanced around the colorful, artfully-designed room and the creative people buzzing about. […]
Trending from G/L: Danish Ad Breaks Barriers
There are many different sides you can be on in life. Republican or Democrat. Vegan or Carnivore. Religious or Atheist. Categories we put ourselves into that seem to set each one of us apart from the “other side.” In today’s political climate and with the advancement of technology (such as the growing popularity of social […]