Trending Now from G/L: Hardee’s gets Unexpected Viral Social Media Exposure

Luke Smith
Because of social media, it is important for your brand to always be equipped to not only embrace the good, but also prepare for the worst.

Find Your Why: No One Rallies Around Mission Statements, So Discover Your Purpose

Randy Micheletti
With all the competition in many categories you have to make your brand stand out. Your why can help do just that.

Trending Now from G/L: wants to change the online retailers landscape

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications is kind of like an online version of Costco without having to buy everything in bulk.

Find Your Why: Why Do You Do What You Do?

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
There are so many different brands fighting for the top spot in the same industry; to stand out seems nearly impossible.

Trending from G/L: What Makes Mobile Marketing Matter?

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Perhaps this study will spawn a new wave of mobile marketing, ultimately ditching ad norms and turning to riffs on absurdity and unpredictability.

Find Your Why: How? Start By Asking Questions

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Discovering your “why” isn’t as easy as it first may seem. Shooting from the hip may result in an off-strategy approach, confusion among employees, and even criticism—external or otherwise.

Find Your Why: Inspired Company, Inspired Growth and Company Culture

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Hubspot's Inbound marketing conference had just fewer than 3000 attendees in its first year, but three years later, they’re expecting more than 13,000 marketers to attend.

Why Storytelling in Media Relations Matters

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
So how do you make your business different? How do you effectively reach your targets and make them remember you? That is where public relations, or earned media, comes into play.

Trending from G/L: Does YouTube have a legitimate online video competitor in Vessel?

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
It appears Vessel is doing exactly what needs to be done to compete with YouTube in the online video sphere.

Trending from G/L: Twitter Ads Get More Personal

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
New options in Twitter Ads will definitely be a part of how the user experience for the platform continues to evolve.