Category: G/L Approach
6 Creative Brainstorming Techniques
Read this six quick tips on how to improve your creative brainstorming techniques for the most efficient brainstorming sessions and business ideas.
Trending Now from G/L: Real-Time Marketing and #TheDress
Every Monday morning the G/L office starts our week by meeting together and updating everyone on new business, old business, this week’s needs, last week’s successes, all the good stuff. We always take time at the end of these meetings to discuss what is currently trending in our marketing and design world. We decided that what we talk about isn’t only beneficial to us, but to our clients and followers – so every Monday morning we share our favorite trend with you.
Here are our thoughts on this week’s trend – the blue dress/white dress debacle.
The College Experience: Marketing Education to Millennials
The senior year of a high school student can be viewed as the most tumultuous time in a young person’s life, and for good reason. Everything that a student has been building towards for the past eighteen years of their life comes to fruition in a few short steps across a stage and a single […]
2015 Trend Sharing
Every Monday after our weekly status meeting we have a trend update. G/Lers are encouraged to bring and share a trend with the group with the intention of starting some internal discussion and sparking an idea for a client. We share both macro and micro trends and people bring a variety of topics – design, technology, […]
Example Personas to Improve Messaging
Most marketers focus on traditional target audiences when creating advertising messages, which usually includes age range, gender, income, education level, etc. But, this information doesn’t outline who your target audience truly is. What happens day-to-day that impacts their job, what they buy and who they are as a person? Do they have kids? Are they taking […]
Importance Of Personas in Shaping Targeted Messaging
Wikipedia defines personas as fictional characters created to represent the different buyer types within a targeted demographic. So, buyer personas are groups of ideal customers, defined by looking deeply into their lives, their thinking, their problems, and their challenges in life. Once you create personas, you are no longer talking to a demographic age group. […]
Ready Readers
Ready Readers is a nonprofit organization in St. Louis, Missouri that is dedicated to preparing and exciting young kids to read.
Advertising Costs How Much?
These days, companies are constantly looking for ways to streamline their business. Cutting costs, downsizing, upselling, “right-sizing”…it’s all part of the big picture. But, what is the big picture? For some, ROI comes to mind, but for others it’s a never-ending onslaught of concentrated marketing efforts to achieve goals. For startups and even established companies, […]
BOLO – Evaluating New Brand Opportunities
Adam, our other G/L principal, and I spent part of last week at BOLO in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona. And it was an inspiring, fun, sunny and exhausting couple of days. BOLO is a digital marketing conference that has become a forum to share and challenge new ideas, think about things differently and inspire us to […]
Why Hire With Your Brand in Mind?
Recruitment and hiring is key to growing a successful company. It’s important to fill positions with right people – people who are knowledgeable, proactive and will succeed. But, completing job tasks and being qualified aren’t the only requirements a company should focus on.