Category: G/L Approach
Geile/Leon Marketing Communications Wins New Business and Awards
“We’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with our newest clients primarily because they’re great organizations to work with,” said Tim Leon, President and Lead Strategist at Geile/Leon Marketing Communications.
Trending from G/L: Spector typeface tool is coming soon to a creative near you
Everyone at G/L was super impressed by the Spector typeface tool. Anything that increases productivity while also increasing our “visual literacy” is a must have in our book.
Behind the Scenes: Product Videos for Major Retailers (with Lincoln Electric)
We recently had the opportunity to jump in the retail video phenomenon for our client, Lincoln Electric, a major manufacturer of welding products and related accessories.
Top G/L Tips: Tim Leon on Brand Refresh benefits
Brand refresh exercises are growing in popularity among internal marketing managers.
Top G/L Tips: Mary Sawyer on Trade Shows
Getting the best media coverage from a trade show may take some extra planning, but it's worth it.
Top G/L Tips: Randy Micheletti on New Product Launches
New Product Launches are an exciting time for a company - especially when they're done right.
Winning Habits of B2B Brands
A recent Buyersphere Report cited several of the strongest attributes of B2B brands that win business and why customers choose them including awareness, location, the human touch and more.
What the Evolving B2B Purchasing Process Means
Whether it's C-level, the marketing department folks or a consultant for the job; the point is that B2B marketers and advertisers need to appeal to the motivation of the respective person and their job title.
Real Price Transparency in Healthcare – I’ve seen it!
There’s a tremendous opportunity to make price transparency real for patients and offer valuable information that helps them make informed healthcare decisions.
Giving back with Children’s Home Society
We're thankful for everything Children's Home Society does to provide children a better foundation, a better life, and a better future.