Trending from G/L: We are All Going To Die

Dave Geile
If this trending item is our future destiny, we are all going to look like the Wal-Mart people shopping from a mobile cart. Not because of their inability to walk, but because of their crushing weight!

Healthcare Marketing Blogs

Dan Diveley
We've written a lot about healthcare marketing over the past few years. To make it easy, we've compiled some of our best posts here.

Trending from G/L: New TV Tracking Opens New Doors for Brands

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
These types of TV tracking tools give media planning and PR professionals’ insights that help to make better marketing decisions.

Trending from G/L: Thanks Canada for telling us we’re great!

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Now, our neighbors to the North in Canada are sending us virtual “hugs” and positive affirmations via a social media campaign

Trending from G/L: The Vegetable Orchestra is cooler than a cucumber

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
The Vegetable Orchestra prepares for each performance by first shopping at local markets for vegetables to create their instruments with.

The Trouble with Design Templates

Ben Schwab
There’s no doubt the use of templates can prove beneficial. We have created them successfully for a multitude of clients and continue to do so. But whether the benefits outweigh the possible pitfalls is ultimately up to you and should be carefully considered.

Trending from G/L: Nivea Reshapes Behaviors with Clever Marketing Campaign

Luke Smith
Nivea and FCB Brazil came up with a brilliant solution to distract kids long enough to get apply sunscreen, while also teaching them an important lesson about sun safety as well.

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications Wins New Business and Awards

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
“We’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with our newest clients primarily because they’re great organizations to work with,” said Tim Leon, President and Lead Strategist at Geile/Leon Marketing Communications.

Trending from G/L: Spector typeface tool is coming soon to a creative near you

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Everyone at G/L was super impressed by the Spector typeface tool. Anything that increases productivity while also increasing our “visual literacy” is a must have in our book.

Trending from G/L: Colgate shows LGBTQ support with #SmileWithPride

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
The whole point we’re trying to get to here is that sometimes flashy isn’t best. Show that people in the LGBTQ community are just like us.