Consumer Engagement: Branding Your Memories

Luke Smith
The broad term “experiential marketing” can translate to a million different tactics and strategies, but the core goal remains the same–create consumer engagement and experiences that aid in the evolution of your brand.

Brands on Social Media: Keys to finding “Insta” Success

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
While it’s true that Instagram has evolved dramatically since being initially released in 2010, at least one main value holds true: strong visual content compels people.

Consumer Engagement: Think Your Marketing is Tough? Try Selling Heart Attacks.

Dave Geile
Everyone who needs a car probably has one, and once they buy one, you won’t see them again for 3-5 years. So the car companies try to keep you engaged with their brand, and when the need eventually comes around again, their image is swimming around somewhere in the back of their customers mind space. Your healthcare marketing plan should have that same impact.

Trending Now from G/L: Industry Support, Quirky Brands, New Apps and more

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
TRENDING NOW FROM G/L Every Monday morning, the G/L office starts our week by meeting together and updating everyone on new business, old business, this week’s needs, last week’s successes – all the good stuff. We always take time at the end of these meetings to discuss what is trending now in our marketing and design world. We […]

Equine Web Design: 5 Brands Telling Their Stories Well

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Marketing, PR and advertising all aim to tell stories of the brand. Telling a story digitally can be a challenge – especially in an industry where the audience is knowledgeable and looking to connect personally in a digital experience. The Equine industry is one that features many great stories of the relationships between humans and […]

Trending Now from G/L: Brand Storytelling, Groupon’s Social Win, Web Design and Knowing Your Consumer

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
TRENDING NOW FROM G/L Every Monday morning, the G/L office starts our week by meeting together and updating everyone on new business, old business, this week’s needs, last week’s successes – all the good stuff. We always take time at the end of these meetings to discuss what is trending now in our marketing and design world. We […]

Can You Afford Not to Have a Crisis Management Plan?

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Property insurance, product liability insurance, business interruption insurance… you probably have policies in place to help with those risks, but what about protecting your brand during and after a crisis? A crisis management plan becomes a necessity when dealing with the public eye and brand awareness. Review our advice and download our checklist to see how your crisis management plan would hold up in a crisis.

Trending Now from G/L: Tinder, 3-D Printing and Brand Storytelling

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Every Monday G/L brings you one of our favorite trends in marketing and design. This week we talk about Tinder users at SXSW, 3-D printing changing the face of healthcare and Converse telling a story about their shoes.

The Key to Building a Better Brand? Experiences.

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
For many companies, especially those in niche industries that have a loyal following such as equine or manufacturing, there’s an ongoing struggle to raise their brand to the top. We evaluate the best way to build your brand whether you're starting at the beginning or looking to refresh. We have included a digital marketing audit that will help guide you through the process.

Trending Now from G/L: Real-Time Marketing and #TheDress

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Every Monday morning the G/L office starts our week by meeting together and updating everyone on new business, old business, this week’s needs, last week’s successes, all the good stuff. We always take time at the end of these meetings to discuss what is currently trending in our marketing and design world. We decided that what we talk about isn’t only beneficial to us, but to our clients and followers – so every Monday morning we share our favorite trend with you. Here are our thoughts on this week’s trend – the blue dress/white dress debacle.