Trending from G/L: The Changing Workforce and Making Good College Decisions

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
There’s a great future in plastics. Think about it. Will you think about it? / The Graduate While pursuing a bachelor’s degree and an executive position at a corporation is still a good option for many high school students, some may want to think their route to employment a little differently. NPR recently ran a story […]

Trending from G/L: “Black Mirror” Episode Comes To Life

Ben Schwab
Fans of the popular Netflix series “Back Mirror” are no strangers to its delightfully dark, prescient perspective on the human condition, our cultural relationship with technology, and how those things will often come to odds with one another. One episode in particular, Nosedive, imagines a world where people can rate each other from one to […]

Finding Your Happy Place in Rural Areas

Tim Leon
I came across an interesting Washington Post blog concerning research recently published by the Vancouver School of Economics and McGill University about the “geography of well-being” in Canada. The study covered Canada’s entire population, with over 400,000 responses from 1,200 communities across the country. The research indicated a correlation between population density (concentration of people […]

Trending from G/L: Ads in Colombia Sell Peace

Randy Micheletti
As a result of this campaign, negotiations between the fighters and the government of Colombia have started, providing hope for prolonged peace.

Trending from G/L: New TV Tracking Opens New Doors for Brands

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
These types of TV tracking tools give media planning and PR professionals’ insights that help to make better marketing decisions.

Top G/L Tips: Mary Sawyer on Trade Shows

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Getting the best media coverage from a trade show may take some extra planning, but it's worth it.

REI stays true to brand despite Black Friday temptation

Tim Leon
REI is making the right move in making Black Friday a paid holiday for its employees.

How to fight Ad Blockers? More Quality Content and Native Advertising

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Good native advertising, like good public relations, should be informative and relevant to the reader.

Trending Now from G/L: Hardee’s gets Unexpected Viral Social Media Exposure

Luke Smith
Because of social media, it is important for your brand to always be equipped to not only embrace the good, but also prepare for the worst.

Why Storytelling in Media Relations Matters

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
So how do you make your business different? How do you effectively reach your targets and make them remember you? That is where public relations, or earned media, comes into play.