Geile/Leon Travels Halfway Around World for Our Clients

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
If you follow our Facebook page, you may have seen images of my latest trade show adventure. However, there was something slightly different about this client work—it was the furthest I have ever ventured outside U.S. borders. Looking back, it’s not very often that people have such an amazing opportunity to travel halfway around the […]

2012 Quadrennial Effect = The perfect storm of marketing + media buying

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
The buzz this past December was all about the Quadrennial Effect of 2012. If you just said to yourself “Quad-a-what?” please proceed. The “Quadrennial Effect” references the perfect storm of events that occurs every four years: the Summer Olympic Games, the European Football Championship and the United States presidential and Congressional elections. Why is this […]