Trending from G/L: Why Ili Means You Wasted Your Time on Rosetta Stone

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
The first generation ili is currently capable of translating between Chinese, Japanese, and English, facilitating nearly instant multilingual conversation between any combinations of the three.

Real Price Transparency in Healthcare – I’ve seen it!

Tim Leon
There’s a tremendous opportunity to make price transparency real for patients and offer valuable information that helps them make informed healthcare decisions.

Mobile Apps in 2016 – The fad is over, but the market is still there

Dan Diveley
Mobile Apps are still a critical tool when they address a key need.

Trending from G/L – Best Christmas Ads 2015

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
The Best Christmas Ads 2015 bring some high-quality emotion to the table.

REI stays true to brand despite Black Friday temptation

Tim Leon
REI is making the right move in making Black Friday a paid holiday for its employees.

How to fight Ad Blockers? More Quality Content and Native Advertising

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Good native advertising, like good public relations, should be informative and relevant to the reader.

How G/L and Union Pacific are getting teens’ attention on rail safety

Tim Leon
The Union Pacific Crossing Accident Reduction Education and Safety (UP CARES) public safety initiative reminds both drivers and pedestrians to stop, look and listen when approaching railroad crossings and to always expect a train.

Get your Marketing Score Report and Assessment

Tim Leon
A Marketing Score can help agencies and businesses figure out what areas of their digital presence need work.

Display Advertising on the Decline? Well, yes and no.

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
While it’s true that banner ads from the 90s probably wouldn’t be all that effective if they ran today, it doesn’t mean that display advertising isn’t still incredibly effective.

Does subtlety work in LinkedIn marketing?

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Want to be successful at LinkedIn marketing? Either have a lot of money or be really creative.