Has Note Taking Changed for the Better?

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
As an account executive, an important part of my job is being a “keeper of knowledge” and taking detailed notes, as well as tackling projects with clients and our internal team. So, when I came across a Harvard Business Review blog post about the inefficiencies of non-digital note taking it made me think, “what’s the […]

When Time is On Your Side, It Matters

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
I think it’s a safe bet that we’re the agency that can say, “we’ve got it covered.” We have a strong grasp on what needs to happen to get the job done, and I’m confident we do it well—we make it mean something along the way. But making it mean something for our clients is […]

5 Tips for Prioritizing Marketing Goals When Everything’s a Priority

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
It’s that time of year — allocating marketing dollars and planning for 2013 begins, along with reflecting on the year that’s passed. What worked? What didn’t? What do we want to accomplish next year? Were my marketing dollars maximized? Did I reach who I needed to? Answering these questions and drafting long- and short-term marketing […]

No thanks. Not interested.

Dan Diveley
What is the value of these four little words? I was asked to write a blog about something I know, or some point of view…anything that might educate, spark discussion or demonstrate G/L’s culture. Well, with my 25 years of experience on the front-end of ad agency business development, I thought I’d write about something […]

The 2013 Media Marketplace—An Opinion

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Call me an optimist (or pessimist if you’re the one who has to buy media in a high demand marketplace), but my bet is that advertisers will encounter a rather robust 2013 marketplace, relative to recent non-election years. While I don’t have a crystal ball, there is a lot of recent news leading me to […]

You Can’t Win Without a Game Plan

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
What’s it like to develop a game plan for the new business year? Geile/Leon Director of Account Services, Miranda Warren, explains some helpful insight, tips and advice to setting the agenda and goals for the year around the corner. These words of wisdom go along way in creating a successful marketing and advertising plan that […]

2012 Quadrennial Effect = The perfect storm of marketing + media buying

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
The buzz this past December was all about the Quadrennial Effect of 2012. If you just said to yourself “Quad-a-what?” please proceed. The “Quadrennial Effect” references the perfect storm of events that occurs every four years: the Summer Olympic Games, the European Football Championship and the United States presidential and Congressional elections. Why is this […]

What Website Platform is Best for You?

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
So you’ve landed on the perfect design for your new website. You’re talking about development, launch dates, SEO, and now someone brings up the question, “How are we going to manage and update all of this once it’s up?” Choosing a content management system (CMS) can be a confusing process. With so many options out […]

Advertising in a Down Economy May Be Smarter Than you Think.

Ben Edmonson
At some point during a recession, every business’s advertising budget or marketing plan has had a setback—budgets cut, projects cancelled, creative direction changed, whatever. Sadly, usually the first thing to get cut during economic hardship is the advertising budget. The good news? There is a ton of factual info and insight to back up the […]

Selecting an Agency Doesn’t Have to Give You a Headache

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Recently, Harley Hammerman, CEO of Metro Imaging and Geile/Leon client, told the Business Journal that selecting an advertising agency to promote his business was a matter of relationships. A few days ago the ANA, the Association of National Advertisers, and 4A’s, The American Association of Advertising Agencies, published guidelines on how to conduct an agency search […]