Healthcare Marketing Blogs

Dan Diveley
We've written a lot about healthcare marketing over the past few years. To make it easy, we've compiled some of our best posts here.

Trending from G/L: New TV Tracking Opens New Doors for Brands

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
These types of TV tracking tools give media planning and PR professionals’ insights that help to make better marketing decisions.

Trending from G/L: Nivea Reshapes Behaviors with Clever Marketing Campaign

Luke Smith
Nivea and FCB Brazil came up with a brilliant solution to distract kids long enough to get apply sunscreen, while also teaching them an important lesson about sun safety as well.

Trending from G/L: Spector typeface tool is coming soon to a creative near you

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Everyone at G/L was super impressed by the Spector typeface tool. Anything that increases productivity while also increasing our “visual literacy” is a must have in our book.

Behind the Scenes: Product Videos for Major Retailers (with Lincoln Electric)

Dan Diveley
We recently had the opportunity to jump in the retail video phenomenon for our client, Lincoln Electric, a major manufacturer of welding products and related accessories.

You’re Never Too Small for Inbound Marketing

Dan Diveley
Inbound Marketing can bring success to your business at any scale - here's one example.

Trending from G/L – Selfridges takes stand for body positivity

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
When they're done right, body positivity messaging can make a brand warm and approachable.

Winning Habits of B2B Brands

Dave Geile
A recent Buyersphere Report cited several of the strongest attributes of B2B brands that win business and why customers choose them including awareness, location, the human touch and more.

What the Evolving B2B Purchasing Process Means

Tim Leon
Whether it's C-level, the marketing department folks or a consultant for the job; the point is that B2B marketers and advertisers need to appeal to the motivation of the respective person and their job title.

Geile/Leon Wins Two Telly Awards for Union Pacific Safety Initiative

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Leon explains that G/L presented the two concepts to Union Pacific in a rough cut format, but the story was so engaging that the client decided that additional work wasn’t required.