Trending At G/L: Size Matters Not – Creating Gaming’s Largest Universe with a Tiny Team

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
It’s an impressive gaming universe, created on a shoestring budget (with a relatively small 6GB install size to boot) by a relative handful of incredibly dedicated and resourceful developers.

Trending from G/L: Spector typeface tool is coming soon to a creative near you

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
Everyone at G/L was super impressed by the Spector typeface tool. Anything that increases productivity while also increasing our “visual literacy” is a must have in our book.

Trending from G/L: Why Ili Means You Wasted Your Time on Rosetta Stone

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
The first generation ili is currently capable of translating between Chinese, Japanese, and English, facilitating nearly instant multilingual conversation between any combinations of the three.

Trending from G/L: Colgate shows LGBTQ support with #SmileWithPride

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
The whole point we’re trying to get to here is that sometimes flashy isn’t best. Show that people in the LGBTQ community are just like us.

Trending from G/L: Modern Family gets smart with REALTORS brand integration

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
One of the big fears about sponsored content is that it will interfere with the programming and it seems like that was avoided here in this Modern Family content.

Trending from G/L – Selfridges takes stand for body positivity

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
When they're done right, body positivity messaging can make a brand warm and approachable.

Winning Habits of B2B Brands

Dave Geile
A recent Buyersphere Report cited several of the strongest attributes of B2B brands that win business and why customers choose them including awareness, location, the human touch and more.

Trending from G/L: A Report On Millennials that stands out

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
There are a lot of articles about Millennials out there. This one actually wasn't that bad.

Trending from G/L – Best Christmas Ads 2015

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
The Best Christmas Ads 2015 bring some high-quality emotion to the table.

Trending from G/L: Oskar Blues Fuels American Outlaws and St. Louis Soccer

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
The future for both Oskar Blues and The American Outlaws seems bright.