Shawn Maher

Why B2B Content Marketing Has High ROI

Now that 2023 is in full swing, we’re starting to hear more and more about how this year’s marketing trends are taking shape. More than ever, B2B marketers are investing in content marketing because they are gaining tangible ROI.

In a recent Chief Marketer survey, 62% of those surveyed said that content marketing has the highest ROI out of any channel. The majority said that articles, videos and blog posts are the most effective for moving prospects through the funnel.

And since 80% of respondents said that they need to demonstrate measurable ROI on their marketing efforts in 2023, content marketing makes sense…and cents. Digital media more than any other marketing avenue allows for more precise customer journey tracking. Maybe that’s why nearly 80% of marketers in this survey said that their budgets were increasing or staying the same in 2023.

With the opportunities for personalization, hyper-specific targeting and tight control over the consumer’s journey through the sales funnel, B2B marketers are wise to invest in content marketing. What does your content marketing program look like? Get in touch and find out what a comprehensive content marketing strategy and on-brand creative content can do for your brand.