Predicted Video Trends for 2020

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
If it seems like video has become more and more embedded in every facet of our lives, you would be correct. And video is only going to continue trending upward in 2020. In fact, the average person will increase their daily online video consumption by 14% in 2020, increasing from an average of 84 minutes […]

Trending from G/L: Marketing a Sensitive Subject

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
In our weekly status meetings, we bring in advertising and marketing trends that we want to discuss. While it’s always a great thought exercise, this week Grace brought in a video from the Marie Curie Foundation from Great Britian, a non-profit organization that deals with palliative care and encouraging families to discuss the plans for […]

Trending from G/L: Important Lessons on Higher Education We Learned from a Spelling Bee

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
The Scripp’s Spelling Bee is a long-running annual tournament that pits the nation’s best elementary school spellers against each other in a tension-filled contest to crown the champion speller. Or at least that was what it was designed to do. In this year’s tournament, somehow eight students all tied for first place… and that’s not […]

Trending from G/L: Instagram’s Hidden Like Count Test

Melissa Ross
Instagram is positive. It’s happy. It’s bright. It makes the users ‘feel good’. But, is the pressure to align with Instagram’s “happy” culture causing users to actually be less happy “IRL?” While no one’s questioning Instagram’s impact on users’ purchasing decisions, a recent test by Instagram could change the way advertisers and influencers use the […]

Ads We Wish We’d Written

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
You can tell a lot about the way people think by observing the people they admire and the traits they aspire to emulate. As advertisers, we think that applies to our work as well. As we celebrate our 30th year in business, we wanted to look back not just at our own business and successes […]

Trending from G/L: How to break through a creative block

Randy Micheletti
Creative block is definitely a real thing in the agency industry. It happens to the best of us, at the worst times possible. So, if I told you that you could end your creative block by playing a card game would you give it a shot? Well, Matt Vojacek, agency principal at Zwelly in Columbus, […]

Trending from G/L: Brands Taking a Stance

Melissa Ross
In overwhelming numbers, today’s top brands are beginning to take stances on certain issues and stepping up on a soap box to make those positions known. In recent years, we’ve seen many businesses take positions on social and even some political issues. The conventional thought has long been that doing so runs the risk of […]

Trending from G/L: Debating Like A True Marketer

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
These days it seems like there is a debate about something new EVERY DAY. Some of the topics can be a little, well, trivial in the grand scheme of things, but nonetheless are discussed in fervor on social media. Are women’s pockets inferior to men’s? Yes, yes they are. Is St. Louis the microbrew capital […]

How User-Generated Content Is A Necessity For Brand Awareness

Geile/Leon Marketing Communications
If you’ve ever seen the movie The Truman Show with Jim Carrey, you probably remember laughing at the various “product placement” scenes. The premise of The Truman Show, for those who haven’t seen it, is that Jim Carrey is unknowingly the star of a reality TV show – his entire life is broadcast by hidden […]

Trending from G/L: Marketers Moving Away From Saturday Morning Cartoon Ads

Melissa Ross
Who can forget Saturday mornings as a kid? Getting up early (sometimes before mom and dad), rushing into the kitchen, making a bowl of the most sugary cereal in the pantry, and heading to the living room to turn on the television. This was what most of us lived for as kids – Saturday morning […]