Geile/Leon Marketing Communications

Now’s the time to rebuild your construction marketing efforts


During the pandemic and all the social distancing that has come with it, many industries have been affected. However, the construction industry is particularly interesting. Not only for the boots on the ground, but because so much of the marketing efforts in the industry are people oriented.

Looking for new clients or even new vendors? Many industry professionals rely upon in-person meetings, drop-ins, industry shows and networking their tool belts off. Just thinking about it, so much of the construction industry is coordinating people and building as many relationships as actual structures, if not more.

So does this mean those in the construction industry should put an end to their marketing efforts? The answer is a simple no. In fact, now is the perfect time to lean heavily on marketing and communications expertise. And here’s why.

Marketing isn’t just about trotting out the same solution no matter what. Even if that’s what some may do. Marketing is about ideas. It’s about creativity. Problem solving. Coming up with new ideas for new problems that have never been encountered. Now is EXACTLY the type of situation where these creative solutions are needed the most.

There are answers out there. Maybe it’s time to increase your digital presence…or even create one. Blow the dust off those social media channels and not only create an engaging and informative content calendar, but also truly engage with both your existing audience and potential new leads with thought leadership. Build a website that creates value. Launch a campaign that promotes your pandemic safety measures and demonstrate exactly why your company is the right choice during these times.

Maybe even take this opportunity to rethink your brand from the ground up.

The people you want to reach are undoubtedly out there. And you can reach them. We know how to do it with proven experience in both the construction industry and the new and ever-changing landscape of marketing. Get in touch. There’s no one answer for any problem, but that’s what makes finding the perfect solution for your unique needs so exciting.