Most marketers focus on traditional target audiences when creating advertising messages, which usually includes age range, gender, income, education level, etc. But, this information doesn’t outline who your target audience truly is. What happens day-to-day that impacts their job, what they buy and who they are as a person? Do they have kids? Are they taking care of their elderly parents? Maybe they are solely focused on climbing the corporate ladder. Whoever they may be, painting a picture of who the person is allows you as a marketer to gain some insight into how your product impacts your customers (and what messaging will impact them). That’s where crafting personas comes in.
At Geile/Leon, we develop personas for our own marketing efforts as well as for our clients. We find that it helps us to create more targeted messages, improve our creative approach and puts us in touch with our clients’ audience. Below are examples of a few of our own personas that we’ve created.
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