Geile/Leon Marketing Communications

Advertisers Need to Connect with Soothing (and Responsible) Messages

During the past six months, people have exercised, watched puppy videos, done random acts of kindness and attempted thousands of ways to find relief from the traumas and negativity of 2020. There’s no need to recite the litany of bad news…suffice to say we are a weary and worried population.

Consumers are adapting their social and professional lives. In their free time, they may be finding solace with virtual happy hours, streaming shows, cooking new recipes and tackling home projects. Brands are adjusting their messages and outreaches to consumers, as they figure out how to satisfy their needs. For the brands, there are new challenges and also new possibilities.

A recent New York Times article described how several brands are taking advantage of opportunities to contact with fatigued consumers. There are products, services and innovations with soothing messages that offer to bring comfort into lives during an uncomfortable time. Advertisers are helping to spread awareness of them.

As also reported in the New York Times story, consumers should be skeptical. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for what ails consumers or brings them peace of mind. Communities are facing mental health challenges related to Covid-19. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly a third of American adults have reported signs of anxiety or depression, and these consumers may be especially vulnerable.

As we continue to work through the challenges of 2020, brands must be mindful of the need to connect with consumers in meaningful, but always responsible ways.