Whether on the phone with clients or zoned-in to her laptop with her headphones on, Account Executive Erin Gitau is always connected. An avid social media user, Erin is active on Facebook and Twitter, and is completely on the Instagram bandwagon. “I’m not a very good photographer, but Instagram makes me look like I am,” Erin explains. “Plus, I like getting a snapshot into people’s lives – stalkerish? Maybe. But, all social media is.” Erin loves to post pictures of her excursions around St. Louis, her dog, Nellie (named after the St. Louis rapper), her husband Curtis, and her adorable nephews and niece.
Erin’s online personality is a true reflection of her genuine and straightforward nature. Her contagious, booming laugh makes everyone in the office feel good when she cracks up at a joke or funny story. She says, “Growing up, I knew I wanted to work in an energetic industry where I could always learn something new and meet different kinds of people.” Erin’s personality is key in building relationships while working with clients, including The Outsource Group, Enterprise Commercial Trucks, and Green Light Innovations. Another influence is her family. “My mom was the deputy travel editor for Midwest Living, my grandfather was an award-winning photojournalist, and my brother has a journalism degree. I followed suit and attended the School of Journalism at Mizzou, but took the strategic communications route – I wanted the opportunity to think creatively, research, and work with people.” We’re glad that Erin followed her family tradition of attending the J-school, which ultimately led her to Geile/Leon.
After graduating in the worst part of the economic recession, Erin had to jump over some hurdles to break into the ad biz. Erin says, “I did telemarketing and social media/reputation management before I was able to get a job in the ad industry, and I think that I gained some valuable knowledge in both positions.” Erin’s perseverance, perfected phone manners and love for learning about the industry paved the way for her to become an indispensable part of the G/L account team. With her deep respect and understanding of brand relationships, Erin excels at identifying what makes brands meaningful to their audiences.
While most of the office drinks coffee, Erin sticks to her standard of Diet Coke. She loves the bubbly beverage so much that she wouldn’t give it up, even if someone paid her $5 a day to never drink it again. Erin reasons, “Let’s say I lived for 60 more years…that’s $109,500. But, it’s not guaranteed that I’ll live that long, so my answer is absolutely not. You only live once.” We’ll forgive the accidental YOLO reference and commend Erin for proving that not everybody has a price.
Smart, funny and social media savvy, Erin Gitau has all the qualities required of an excellent account executive. We rely on her personality to keep both the creatives and the clients happy and productive. She may even be able to convince you to switch from coffee to Diet Coke. To get to know Erin better, catch her on Twitter at @erinmorrow or stalk her on Facebook to see photos of her recent wedding this August. Got any advice for the young couple? Leave Erin a comment or tweet.
Beer-Thirty Drink of Choice: Schlafly Pumpkin Ale