Geile/Leon Marketing Communications

The Power of Giving Back

IMG_55292Each summer at G/L, we set aside three individual days and designate them “Fun Fridays.” It’s our opportunity to shut down a bit early and head out on an adventure to celebrate the upcoming holiday weekend. From an Anhueser-Busch tour to an afternoon at Stray Rescue, we take advantage of the weather and enjoy each other’s company. However, this past Fun Friday (or Thursday if we want to get technical), we decided to take a different approach to tradition.

In light of our 25th anniversary and the ongoing #GLSTL25 campaign, we heeded the call of Children’s Home Society of Missouri – a non-profit recently featured on the blog by Tim. After some initial coordination between Tim and Leslie Tucker, the organization’s Director of Development, we determined they had multiple needs with which we could assist.


You see, Leslie is simply a phenomenal individual. As with many non-profits, she wears many hats and upon listening to her speak over lunch last Thursday, we knew we’d be able to tackle her PR and marketing needs, alleviate some of her challenges and help support an incredible cause.

So, we broke into teams and set out on a three-hour mission. In that short time frame, we were able to plow through multiple positioning statements, taglines, a news advisory, future PR initiatives, a digital strategy, plus an eblast template, newsletter, brochure layout, annual report layout and fact sheet.

IMG_55342As an agency, we’re accustomed to the routine of concepts, revisions, presentations, etc. that span over weeks and sometimes months. To shut down typical daily distractions and collaborate to deliver an integrated campaign in one afternoon was really amazing. But I can speak for the team at G/L when I say that it was so rewarding to see the difference we could make for an organization like CHS, which provides a valuable service to our community and is unlike any other. The effort of their staff, volunteers and donors is selfless. And more importantly, they provide these services to the most vulnerable – our children.


While we know we are such a small piece of the puzzle, knowing that we can use our talents for something so beneficial is humbling. We look forward to presenting our work to CHS this week!